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Workforce Experience Survey

The Workforce Experience Survey is provided by the South Carolina Hospital Association (SCHA) to help SC hospitals better support and care for their workforce. Your feedback is critical to helping SCHA and your hospital leaders understand your everyday work experience and how you believe it could be improved.

The survey questions ask about your current work experience to:

Your survey responses will be submitted through a secure web portal managed by SCHA and will be analyzed in a de-identified, aggregate form. Your identity and responses will not be accessible by your organization. Your individual survey responses are completely anonymous and confidential and your participation in this survey is strictly voluntary. Aggregate, de-identified data analysis will be provided to SC hospitals for the purpose of identifying population specific needs and drive action toward improvement.

There are 42 questions in the survey, some of which are optional. The survey should take around 20 minutes or less to complete. If you are not able to complete it at one time, please copy and paste the URL in your browser and email the link to yourself. Clicking on the URL will allow you to pick up where you left off. Thank you in advance for helping us to make SC hospitals a better place to work!
